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How Performance Exhausts Can Upgrade Your Car

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Automobile manufacturing is a cutthroat business. There's not a lot of wiggle room available for the dealer on the showroom floor, and the manufacturers themselves come under great pressure from their competitors to produce and market a vehicle that will catch your attention instead of the others. This means that manufacturers often cut corners, wherever they can, when designing and building these cars. What can you do after you've bought your vehicle in order to upgrade?

Exhaust Upgrade

One of the areas that manufacturers tend to fall short is in the production of adequate exhaust systems. Certainly, the systems that they attach to your car will do the job, but they are not designed to maximise performance. If you fit a performance exhaust system, you can not only make your car more efficient, but you can improve the way that it sounds.

A car that exhausts its engine gases more efficiently will be able to breathe a lot better, so that more power can be created from the combustion process. But how can this be achieved?


When your exhaust system is manufactured in bulk at the factory, it is created using very rudimentary fabrication techniques. Essentially, the pipe is bent into shape using a crushing technique which ends up leaving crinkles in the pipe material. This will effectively restrict the airflow inside as the area around the bend will not be smooth. Manufacturers of performance exhaust systems on the other hand take great pains to ensure that there are no "crinkles" whatsoever, and their special techniques lead to more efficient airflow and higher performance.

Longer Lasting

If you've ever had to replace a rusted exhaust on the car you know that most manufacturers use standard steel to manufacture them. This mild steel product will certainly deteriorate as time goes by, but the better performance systems will always use stainless or aluminium. Some of these systems will last as long as the car.

Look Good

If you like to show off your car, you may also like the aesthetic appeal of the performance system. It will have a far larger-circumference, to give it a more "aggressive" appearance.

Note that there are a great variety of performance systems available on the market, but you should choose carefully when it comes to your own vehicle. If you pick a system that is not ideal for your car, you may find that it will adversely affect your performance, so it pays to take specialist advice before you upgrade.
