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Car Stopped? 3 Speedy Plans To Retain Composure When Car Batteries Die In The Middle Of Nowhere

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Car batteries can die for a myriad of reasons –– general neglect, regular wear, old age, engine left on and much more. If car batteries are dead while you're in your garage, you simply need to get them fixed at a mechanic without much trouble. But the real problem arises when car batteries die while you're driving on a major highway or on country roads with no surrounding civilisation. Follow these speedy plans to retain composure when car batteries die in the middle of nowhere.

Turn On Your Hazard Lights Immediately

Australian hazard light rules stipulate that you can turn them on if your car is stopped and is obstructing other vehicles on the road. This situation certainly calls for the use of hazard lights, so you're not breaking any rules. If you're in the middle of the road, turn on your hazard lights immediately. This is easy because the hazard light button is the red one sitting in the centre of your dashboard. Hazard lights are a sign that something is wrong with your car, so other vehicles will stay clear of your path.

Wait A Few Moments And Try Your Car Once Again

Most often, the battery light turns on when your car batteries die. This is a clear sign that your battery has failed to charge like normal. Wait for a few moments and turn the key to see whether the car starts. If the car runs even after the battery light switches on, your car is running on reserve energy. Your first task is to drive to the nearest car service centre or mechanic to get the battery replaced immediately. If you can't find any close by, drive to a safer spot on the road and call a towing service.

Call For Roadside Assistance  

If your car refuses to start or if you cannot find a local mechanic in the surrounding area, call a local towing or roadside assistance service as soon as possible. Your car insurance policy will typically cover roadside assistance, so you can call them no matter where you are in Australia. If you haven't taken roadside assistance coverage already, be sure to do so because your car can break down any where without any warning. The towing or roadside assistance service will transport you and your car to a mechanic to get your car batteries replaced.

Follow these speedy plans to retain your composure when your car batteries die in the middle of nowhere in Australia. 
